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15:57 Aug 02 2006
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I found this to be a very interesting read. And to all who read it, may you keep an open mind and don't get freaked out about it. I am quite skeptical about the whole theory itself because some known Nostradamus to be quite mad... but, no one really knows what's going to happen do we?

Well here it is:

The Nostradamus Code:

World War III

2007 - 2012


Michael Rathford


Copyright © 2006

Michael Rathford

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in

any form, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review,

without permission in writing from the author or publisher.

ISBN 0-9776341-0-8

4940 Merrick Rd, #262

Massapequa Park, NY 11762


Printed in the U.S.A. by

Morris Publishing

2 East Highway 30

Kearney, NE 47




Part I: Introduction….................................1

Nostradamus and his Quatrains

How did Nostradamus do it?

Simultaneous Time

Ways to view Nostradamus and the prophecies

Free will

Part II: Cast and Characters of the Time

of Troubles……...…………………………..7

The Antichrist

Background/overview of the Antichrist

Political/religious philosophies of the Antichrist


The Celtic legend of the great orator

The Popes and the Catholic Church

Death of the three popes / Catholic Church & the


Assassination of the current pope


Second-to-last pope "swallowed" by Antichrist's


The treachery of the final pope

Demise of the Catholic Church

The Cabal and secret conspiracies

Cabal's teeth in the international power flow

Cabal involved in military and economic conquests

Cabal destroyed by the Antichrist

Fundamentalist fanatics' infiltrations into


Manipulation of the IRA in Ireland by the underworld

Wealthy U.S. businessman a closet revolutionary

and Nazi

General international political climate

Fundamentalist censorship

Terrorist assassinations

Part III: The Antichrist……………………23

Antichrist's rise to power in Middle East

Antichrists' unified monetary system

Antichrist's seizure of Asia


Antichrist's cultural eradication & European


Antichrist's ravage of the Catholic Church

Antichrist's invasion of Turkey

Switzerland alarmed by Antichrist's Nazism in


International (non)reaction to the Antichrist

Part IV: The Time of Troubles…………32

Prelude to the Antichrist and WWWIII

Volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, droughts, famines,


Death of world leader and revolt coincides with


Fiasco from communication breakdown between

two superpowers

Russian/American submarine/naval confrontation

Crazed leader launches atom bombs on

Mediterranean and Europe

Third world country leader creates strife

Antichrist profits from radar research in Europe

International political and social incidents


War-game simulation by Britain in Europe leads to


American Electoral College voting stalemate

Earth abuse causes agricultural devastation in U.S.

and Britain

Underwater Russian submarine base defanged by


Extraterrestrials shot by paranoid nation,

bacteriological agents released

Extraterrestrial probe of the Watchers discovered by


Part V: Scientific Achievements in the

Time of Troubles……………………….42

Technology accidents

Nostradamus on the dangers of weaponry mixed

with natural disaster

Weather modulation devices go awry, cause ice and


Nuclear reactor meltdown near city with

underground chambers

Space shuttle accident releases microorganisms

into atmosphere


Devastating accidental weaponry explosions from

earth tumult

Ruptured earth energy fields cause meteorite storm

Research into warping time leads to disaster

The weapons of WWWIII

New, horrific, secret, radical weapons monstrosities


ETW unleashed on San Andreas and New Madrid


Antichrist obtains ETW through espionage, bribery,


Death by radio waves


Human eugenics research advanced by the King of


Eugenics scientists meet grisly deaths from public


Part VI: World War III……………………..53


Overview: horrible battles, weapons, devastation,


Nuclear confrontation in the Middle East

Mediterranean campaign and the battles of Gibraltar

Bomb sent at New York by the Antichrist, France


Bacteriological warfare strikes New York and


Antichrist conquers Europe

The Antichrist invades Britain

The crucial meeting on the naval carrier

Seas, rivers, lakes boil; famines lead to insane


Antichrist's commander succumbs to key strategic


Russia breaks free of the Antichrist

North Pole Alliance of North America, Europe, and

Russia forms

Ogmios confronts the Antichrist, fate of world in


Antichrist eventually dethroned

Part VII: The geological and spiritual

earth shift……………………………….64



The end of civilization



Old vs. Young Souls

The New Age of spiritual rebirth

Reawakening of freedoms an rights

Peace after WWWIII

Spirituality transcends technology

Feminine aspects of God revered again

More open, frequent contact with extraterrestrials

"Green" revolution, return to the land

Scientific discoveries reaffirm Eastern religion

Great Genius unifies religion and science

Great Genius discovers the science of miracles

Astonishing feats of medicine

New philosophy of the Age of Aquarius

Part VIII: The Great Genius……………74

Past events



Great Genius

Far Future


Part I: Introduction

1.1. Nostradamus and his "quatrains"

1.2. How did Nostradamus do it?

1.3. "Simultaneous Time"

1.4. Ways to view Nostradamus and the prophecies

1.5. Free will vs. Fatalism

1.1. Nostradamus and his "quatrains"

Nostradamus was a physician and prophet of the 16th century

living in France at the time of the Inquisition. He was recognized

as a brilliant physician who knew effective measures against the

plague victims of the time, a rarity in his profession.

Nostradamus as a seer wrote about "quatrains", or four line

poems, about his visions collected over his lifetime. The

quatrains are enveloped in deeply obscure, twisted, nested

symbolism and encryptions (such as anagrams, different

languages, etc.) that is virtually impossible to untangle by a

casual observer. Perhaps the greatest difficulty was that he

intentionally scrambled them in terms of their historical order.

Quatrains I have found particularly evocative and masterful in

symbolism and interpretation, and serve as examples of

Nostradamus' intents and talents, are, Centurie III, Quatrain 13,

microchips and electricity, Centurie IV, Quatrain 29, the

dichotomy of technology vs. spirituality in the 20th century, and

Centurie II, Quatrain 75, a plane lands on the deck of an aircraft

carrier in a pivotal moment of WWWIII.

1.2. How did Nostradamus do it?


Nostradamus was born with an inner "sixth sense", i.e. a strong

intuition and great psychic abilities. Secondly he had enormous

drive to develop it. His grandfather apparently passed him books

on witchcraft that allowed him to experiment with some rituals.

He also had access to "lost" manuscripts handed down outside of

the libraries of the time. He talks about guides from the astral

plane and from other worlds who helped him. Some pointed him

in the direction of esoteric plant recipes and mind-enhancing

drugs (but he emphasized they only enhanced his powers and

were not the source of them). One apparently bestowed on him a

mirror during one of his meditations. The mirror was especially

important to his predictions.

Nostradamus also talked of using different crystals to focus on

various telepathic frequencies. Occasionally he refers to staring

at fire or water (such as in a bowl on a tripod) as a way of

focusing his mind. He had access to some lost works of

mysticism from his travels (apparently to some Moslem lands).

He communicated with other expert astrologers and mystical

teachers. However it is possible that some of his notes about and

explanations of his techniques were a means of throwing the

Inquisition off track.

One of the most amazing possibilities explored was that in a sort

of "twist of time" Nostradamus was tapping into the

subconscious of the people from the future who contacted him.

Some have wondered about Nostradamus' healing capabilities.

He talks about a sort of holistic approach to health and reveals

that he was skillful in avoiding the shock that was induced in

many patients of surgeons at the time using psychic approaches.

He talked about the importance of the "aura" of the person in

determining the health of the patient and criticized the practice of

treating symptoms. He said that a patient will find some other

way to make themselves sick if their critical mental attitude is

awry. He talked about cancer being caused by deeply ingrained

self-sabotaging thoughts. Nostradamus also confirmed what


many have speculated, that he was able to see future approaches

to treating the diseases he encountered (such as the plague) and

adopt key aspects of the techniques.

1.3. "Simultaneous Time"

"Simultaneous time" is a difficult concept that refers to the

illusion of earthly time seen from higher spiritual planes.

Between lives, the soul has the capability to review lifetimes free

of the constraints of time. This state of consciousness is also

achieved in hypno-regression subjects who are highly

"somnambulistic", i.e. conducive to deep trance states. They can

review not only past lifetimes but future ones. But beyond this, it

is as if they are actually living them at the moment they describe

them. So, for example, the student of Nostradamus that Dr.

Rathford regressed would see himself and Nostradamus as

actually living, and Nostradamus would be communicating

directly from his own time to ours as a living person.

1.4. Ways to view Nostradamus and the prophecies

A scathing work of criticism and ridicule has been leveled at

Nostradamus by the famous "debunker", James Randi.

Nevertheless, buried in the unparalleled close-mindedness and

vitriol, Randi makes some reasonable points, the most damning

of which, reiterated by the skeptics through the centuries, is that

Nostradamus' "predictions" are veiled in such obscure symbolism

that they could mean anything, and that interpretations are

impossible in the absence of precision in language. He has a very

valid point.

But the works of Dr. Michael Rathford give us a renewed, fresh

perspective into the matter. Not only are the past predictions laid


bare, but so are all the future ones. This book gives a very

*precise* vision of the future, with a rigor bordering on the

quality of even scientific papers (which themselves contain

speculation and a lack of confidence and absolute specificity at

times). Perhaps the skeptics can argue that the "fulfillment" of all

his prior prophecies were merely due to the creative

interpretations or vivid imaginations of enthusiastic supporters.

But they will not be able to deny the reality of these explicit

visions as (or "if", as the case may be) it unfolds before them.

However, the ultimate measure of Nostradamus' true talents will

be revealed shortly for us all to personally witness and attest to

the presence or lack thereof. And even if one ignores the

Nostradamus aspect, leaving aside for a moment the question of

the "source" of the predictions, this book contains a treasure

trove of specific predictions about our near future. Here is

something that is not buried in mysticism or obscurity and is

open to any one who has an open mind.

1.5. Free will vs. Fatalism

Nostradamus' preponderance of bleak and horrid prophecies

sometimes has the effect of causing people to adopt an attitude of

resigned nihilism or fatalism. "What's the use?" But this is

precisely the mental attitude that he was fervently attacking. The

earth history-flow has a kind of "inertia" that he learned to read

through his highly refined and developed mental concentration.

If we continue on our present path, i.e. the "course of least

resistance", the worst of the horrible, apocalyptic visions will be

realized. But through focused thought and determination the

most severe scenarios can be avoided.

Nostradamus repeatedly emphasizes the urgency of his mission

and his frustration with man's apathy in the face of his

predictions. His psychic abilities were so profound and


developed that had he lived in other times he might have been

revered almost as a God, but in the Inquisition his talent was

wasted. Nostradamus was something like a psychoanalyst for the

entire human race, and was quite frustrated with his patient's

continual tendency to sabotage and destroy himself in spite of the

doctor's--literally--divinely inspired advice.

Another interesting theme is that Nostradamus seems to indicate

that the Antichrist is the embodiment of all evil in mankind since

the time of creation. In other words, our own evil thoughts and

deeds contribute indirectly and directly to the terrible crescendo

his horrible nature. The grisly earthly drama with him in the

starring role, foretold for centuries as far back as the Old

Testament of the Bible, is actually a lesson of the highest order

for us to clean our own mental and bodily temples of the

encrusted pollution of ages. The awesome power of our own

thoughts will confront us face to face. Just as the atrocities and

genocide that Hitler perpetrated under the name of the Reich are

the logical conclusion of insane fascism, racism, intolerance, and

imperialism, the shrieking crescendo of WWWIII is the

embodiment of all our hidden and concealed crimes against our

fellow humans.

I would like to bring out an example of the importance and

interpretation that should be attributed to Nostradamus'

prophecies. In Centurie VI, Quatrain 34 he correctly foresees the

Challenger shuttle disaster. But in his interpretation, he also

indicates that NASA would cover-up the source of failure and

not reveal it to the general public. This arguably occurred, but

because of the dynamic efforts of one man in particular

*outside* of NASA, the truth of the disaster has probably in fact

been revealed.

The man is the eminent physicist Richard Feynman, who wrote

about his experience on the Challenger investigation committee

in his book, "What do you care what other people think, Mr.

Feynman?" Throughout his great work one can see very directly


the efforts of NASA administrators to put up a smokescreen to

the public and defy his determined, heroic efforts to find the

truth. Did he indeed thwart one of Nostradamus' many uncanny

and depressing predictions? Can this be regarded as a case of the

power of an individual to defy the smothering inertia of foretold

negativity? Of the power of each one of use to untangle and defy

secret conspiracies, and those who derive their power through the

concealment of truth, and greedily, madly clutch it?

Nostradamus refers to many different dark secrets of our times,

ranging from the Cabal that manipulates the world economy and

military conflicts to the unspeakably horrible secret military

weapon researches. Are we to assert that we have no influence

over those who attempt to conceal truth from us? Or would the

world be a far better place if we all had the dogged determination

and curiosity that Feynman embodied? The courage to defy and

transcend people who say "you don't know what you're doing

and you have no place in this matter"? Or not be bludgeoned into

silent submission by keywords like "matter of national security"?

as our governments develop the most grisly weapons of

destruction ever conceived in the history of (in)humanity?

Nostradamus' underlying, "golden" message is that every

individual contributes to the flow of history, that free will exists

and can avert disaster through sensible use--but apathy is perhaps

the most negative and lethal contribution of all.

"There is free will. He wants you to know about them so the

worse effects can be avoided."

"Nostradamus believed, as I do, in the theory of `probable

futures', of nexus on the lines of time with many possible courses

branching off in all directions. He believed that if man had the

knowledge he could see which time line his future was headed

down and reverse it before it was too late."


Part II: Cast and Characters of the Time of Troubles

The Antichrist

2.1. Background/overview of the Antichrist

2.2. Political/religious philosophies of the Antichrist


2.3. The Celtic legend of the great orator

The Popes and the Catholic Church

2.4. Death of the three popes / Catholic Church & the Antichrist

2.5. Assassination of the current pope

2.6. Second-to-last pope "swallowed" by Antichrist's scheming

2.7. The treachery of the final pope

2.8. Demise of the Catholic Church

The Cabal and secret conspiracies

2.9. Cabal's teeth in the international power flow

2.10. Cabal involved in military and economic conquests

2.11. Cabal destroyed by the Antichrist

2.12. Fundamentalist fanatics' infiltrations into governments

2.13. Manipulation of the IRA in Ireland by the underworld

2.14. Wealthy U.S. businessman a closet revolutionary and Nazi

General international political climate

2.14. Fundamentalist censorship

2.15. Terrorist assassinations

2.1. Background/overview of the Antichrist


(Centurie I, Quatrain 76)

The Antichrist made a promise to himself to rule the world in a

past incarnation and the wheel of karma has turned to give him

the opportunity in this lifetime. His potential and opportunities

for evil will be counterbalanced by the ability to do well. In early

0s he is beginning the realization of his ambitions, and will start

his political career at a local level and keep advancing, becoming

ever greedier of power.

The Antichrist will become a world leader even though he

misuses his power. The root meanings of his names will give a

clue of his destiny and what he is capable of. The name may

sound somewhat barbaric to European ears. He will be

influenced by old customs known in the literature but generally


The Antichrist will be worse than Hitler. In ~9 he's living in the

Middle East. He is at a very crucial time in his life, when

impressions will influence his future life path. Currently in the

realm there is a lot of violence, political maneuvering, and

corruption. The atmosphere is having an effect an effect on him

and he's coming to realize what his destiny is.

(Centurie VIII, Quatrain 77)

He will succeed in conquests but only at the cost of terrible

bloodshed by conventional weapons, but will save his nuclear

arsenal for later unspeakable deeds. So many people will be

killed that the living will not be able to haul them away to be

buried fast enough. The people of the world will be accustomed

to the sight of corpses and the sight of death will not make

people squeamish because they will be around it so much.

Neither Kadaffi or the Ayatollah Khomeni are the Antichrist, but

they will contribute to the destabilization of the region that will

aid his rise to power.


He will be educated in Egypt because of its current stability and

strategic position to the Middle East and North Africa.

The social upheavals of the times will contribute to laying the

way open for the Antichrist to take over. Various countries will

have their social and political structure will be turned totally

upside down. Religious fanatics (not spiritual people) will come

into power and believe they are justified in their draconian

campaigns. The religious fervor allows the Antichrist to come

into power through persuasive guile. His followers will regard

him as a religious figure.

(Centurie X, Quatrain 71)

Despite the massive propaganda campaigns of the Antichrist that

paint a grand and wondrous picture of his worldwide

achievements, other glimpses of his heinous atrocities "behind

the scenes" will leak out. He will not be able to live up to the

image his followers project of him.

(Centurie I, Quatrain 50)

The Antichrist will be in action near the Mediterranean Sea, the

Red Sea, and the Arabian Sea. He will gain immense world-wide

power. Thursday will be an important day for him; he will take it

as his day of worship. He will be a threat to everyone but

particularly in the East because he will control both China and

Russia and the entire Asian continent under his control, for the

first time in world history.

(Centurie I, Quatrain 55)

The social and political upheavals orchestrated by the Antichrist

will be felt particularly in northern, developed countries with

cooler climates. During his time societies will be torn and cast

into chaos and confusion. Many doomsayers will arise as false


prophets, claiming to have divine revelations and know the path

of salvation for the people.

(Centurie I, Quatrain 92)

For a short period the reign of the Antichrist over his realm will

be no fighting because of his police state. But people will begin

to rebel in the memory of lost freedoms. There will be very much

death and destruction, with many people dying for their cause.

Prophecies from the Revelations will apply, such as the quote

about "rivers of blood up to horse's harnesses". The times will be

extremely violent and traumatic.

(Centurie I, Quatrain 80)

The Antichrist will take Thursday as his day of reverence. There

will be enormous warfare and bloodshed from his weapons, one

"a monster borne of a very hideous beast". Hard radiation will

cause gross deformities, terrible mutations in nature, in plants

and animals as well as Mother Earth. In the period 7 or 1 there

will be great pain and despair.

2.2. Political & religious philosophies of the Antichrist

(Centurie X, Quatrain 75)

The Antichrist will develop a systematic philosophy based on

Marx and Engels that takes advantage of the elements related to

the complete control of a population. Russia and China will be

vulnerable to the philosophy because of the past receptivity to

Communism. The Antichrist will use his philosophy as a way of

conquering the entire Asian continent before setting out to take

over the rest of the world. His philosophies will be propagated

through manipulations of the different institutions of political



(Centurie III, Quatrain 95)

The Antichrist will corrupt the religion of Christianity with the

intent of destroying it, but also distort the beliefs of Islam. He

will disguise his agenda of conquest as a way of life and a

replacement for religion.

(Centurie III, Quatrain 19)

The Antichrist will study and emulate Hitler and his techniques

avidly to try to surpass him and avoid his mistakes. He will have

access to books and material not available or known to the

general public. It will be possible for him to obtain secret Nazi

documents on Hitler and he will study them very carefully.

The Antichrist will be doomed from the start of his campaign,

because he is against central spiritual forces that make up the

fabric of the universe. For people who choose this path, "It's just

a matter of how far they go before they fail and what effects they

have on the lives around them." Like the ultimate downfall of

many tyrants his empire and power will be inherently unstable.

His own sub commanders will be power hungry in his image and

his authority will fragment around him. The political map of the

world, the boundaries of countries, will change but the continents

of the world will still be shaped the same.

2.3. Ogmios

Ogmios is the counterforce to the Antichrist who will help tear

down the tyranny and balance the universe in a way that is

harmonious to man's central spiritual source. He will be

supported by many countries still fighting the Antichrist. He will

probably arise from the underground movement. In one of the

countries conquered by the Antichrist the underground will be

tightly organized. Ogmios will arise from it, and confront the


Antichrist in the area in Eurasia close to Constantinople, as

WWWIII is approaching its end. Ogmios wil come from

somewhere in central Europe. He is very well prepared

spiritually for the task, because his opponent is very powerful

with a strong aura of negative powers.

Ogmios will be "of the people". He will have worked up through

the ranks from a simple background, attaining his

accomplishments through honest work. He will have technical

training but will rely mainly on his practicality. He's an old soul

who has his priorities straight and can see the root of matters. He

is one who will help pave the way for the "Great Genius".

Ogmios realizes he is not the one to lead the world to ultimate

peace, but he is the one to help bring down "the one who would

destroy the world" (the Antichrist) to open the way for the one

who will guide the world to ultimate peace.

(Centurie V, Quatrain 24)

The organization run by Ogmios will survive the worst of the

time of troubles and will serve the basis for future governments

after the Antichrist is put down. The "glory of the sun" is behind

Ogmios; is a man of great stature, but has a direct, sometimes

"gruff" personality. He makes a good friend but a terrible enemy.

He will be an upstanding man of strong principles and morals,

making him a strong adversary to the Antichrist. His principles

are his own and not influenced by dogma, and his organization

under his leadership is the effective opposition to the Antichrist,

but he is not haughty.

(Centurie II, Quatrain 85)

Ogmios will be "small" in that his forces and resources are

meager. His underground movement will be scraping to keep

body and soul together.


Ogmios is the Celtic equivalent of Hercules. He is represented as

an old, bald-headed man with wrinkled and sun-burnt skin yet

possessing the attributes of Hercules. He draws a multitude of

joyful followers and admirers by beautiful chains of gold and

amber attached to their ears. The other end of the chains is fixed

to his tongue, and he bestows on his captives a smiling face. This

is the native god of eloquence, regarded with the reverence given

to Hercules, because he had accomplished his feats through

glorious speech. His speech shows itself best in his old age. The

chains indicate the bond between the orator's tongue and the ears

of enraptured listeners.

2.4. Death of the three popes / Catholic Church & the


(Centurie IV, Quatrain 86)

The present pope will be assassinated and the next pope will not

last long. The final pope will be a tool of the Antichrist. The

Roman church is already a tool of the Antichrist, indirectly

supporting his aims, even though they may not be aware of it.

(Centurie II, Quatrain 57)

The last three popes of the Catholic Church will fall in short

succession. The third to the last will die from an assassin's

shooting. The second-to-last will be "swallowed up" by the

schemings of the Antichrist. The last, the one born slightly

misshapen, will go the greatest distance in destroying the church.

The Antichrist will use him for awhile until he gets in the way, at

which point he is eliminated. His treachery will accelerate, and

his death will signal, the end of the Catholic Church.


2.5. Assassination of the current pope

(Centurie VIII, Quatrain 46)

During the period that the Antichrist begins to flex his power, the

current pope will be assassinated when he goes on a trip away

from the Vatican. The two cardinals nearest to the pope will

realize the danger to their church after the death, and they will

close themselves up in the Vatican to try to protect themselves.

The current Pope is desirous of world peace and is working

against some established power parties within the Roman church.

A point will come when the special interests inside the church

who want to hold onto their power and wealth will misadvise the

Pope in such a way as to place him in a dangerous situation

which he is unaware of. The assassination will lead to social

unrest and rioting in Rome. The next pope will not last long.

There will be only two other popes after the present one.

(Centurie II, Quatrain 97)

The pope and several of his entourage will be assassinated in late

spring when the roses bloom, at a European city that is at the

junction of two major rivers.

(Centurie II, Quatrain 15)

The present pope will be assassinated shortly prior to the

appearance of a comet that will be clearly visible from the sky of

the Northern Hemisphere. His concern for the human condition,

leading him to treacherous travel arrangements, wil be his

downfall. The next pope will be assassinated by the Antichrist

because he won't submit to his demands. The assassination

allows the Antichrist to install his "tool" into the office.


2.6. Second-to-last pope "swallowed" by Antichrist's


(Centurie I, Quatrain 4)

The second-to-last pope instated after the assassination of the

current one will have a short reign. Due to political blunders and

mistakes he will pave the way for the final pope to be a tool of

the Antichrist. His reign is an omen of the final downfall of the


(Centurie II, Quatrain 36)

Before the Antichrist comes to full power it will appear that other

leaders are above him and in control of the power structure other

than him. In reality the Antichrist is using them as stepping

stones in his quest for world power. During this period he will

have traitorous cardinal working for him, spying on the secondto-

last pope. One of the cardinals will steal information from him

and alter the pope's personal correspondence, so that it has

different connotations. It will make the situation appear

inordinately worse than it is in reality, causing the pope to react

inappropriately. This way the populace will be more likely to see

him as incompetent and destabilize his authority, possibly by

being assassinated. The cardinal will be troubled by his betrayal

because of the obvious dissension it causes the Church, but he is

allied with the Antichrist and will rationalize away his


2.7. The treachery of the final pope

(Centurie III, Quatrain 65)

The last pope will be elected shortly after the discovery of the

tomb of an ancient Roman whose philosophies greatly influence


western thought, something like within a year's time. This is the

"poisonous" pope that is actually only a tool for the Antichrist

who will bring about the ultimate destruction of the Catholic


The last pope will probably be French, with a swarthy

complexion and blue eyes. There will be an air of mystery to

him. He will have a physical deformity of some sort, like a

slightly hunched shoulder or clubfoot, a congenital defect in the

bone (It won't be caused by injury, he was born with it.) His

mind has been scarred by the deformity and the cruelty and

callousness of people toward others who are different.

He entered the church at a young age out of bitterness and

desperation because he knew he would never get a girl to love

and marry him. His parents were involved with the Nazi

movement in France and his schoolmates taunted him with

names like "Nazi lover". This pope could have been kindly if it

weren't for his childhood environment and experiences, but

instead was warped into cruelty from pain, and he wants to "get

back" at the world for his suffering while young. This is a

weakness that the Antichrist exploits.

This pope will want to show his enemies, "look at me; I'm

powerful; I can do it; I'm better than you." After he attains the

power he desires, he will be indirectly responsible for the murder

of innocent people because of his alignment with the Antichrist.

He will not murder anyone himself, but will open up avenues for

the Antichrist to do so, particularly those who hurt him when he

was young. This future pope now appears to be kindly on the

surface because it is advantageous for him to be perceived that

way, but the sinister side of his personality is deeply rooted.

(Centurie II, Quatrain 76)

The final pope will betray his Church by revealing extremely

crucial and sensitive information directly to the Antichrist,


information that the Antichrist could never have obtained even

through his spies in the church.

2.8. Demise of the Catholic Church

(Centurie X, Quatrain 70)

Ruin will befall the Catholic Church because of its leaders'

ambition for illegitimate power. The leaders will become

vainglorious and think that they can handle whatever they desire

to grasp, and it will be their downfall. Their ambitions will be

chilled when they fail and the church will be subject to great

upheaval, with the Pope ultimately being dethroned. Catholics

will become disillusioned with the power mongering, will no

longer support the church, and the sphere of influence of the

Church will greatly diminish.

(Centurie V, Quatrain 25)

The base of the Catholic Church in Rome will be destroyed in an

accident, as if the city sank into the sea. This will somewhat

coincide with events in the Middle east and some people will

connect the two, but in reality it is a coincidence. However the

Arabs will quickly take advantage of the situation even though

they didn't cause it. The restrictions of the Vatican will cause the

church to crumble. They may rally, but it will be a blow they will

never recover from.

The downfall will reveal why the church finally collapsed after

surviving so many centuries. The accident will be a combination

of natural and human-triggered disasters. The force will involve

the sea and a great energy force from the sky descending and

dissolving the landscape. It will be termed a natural disaster

because it's beyond the capability of anyone on the earth to

produce the force. No one can find any cause so it is labeled an


"Act of Nature". However, the more important event of the time,

which people will be distracted from noticing, is the Antichrist's

invasion of Turkey.

2.9. Cabal's teeth in the international power flow

(Centurie II, Quatrain 58)

During the time of the Antichrist a secretive, conspiratorial cabal

are "pulling the strings" behind the scenes to manipulate world

politics and economies for personal gain. These master

puppeteers operate figureheads in many countries, governments,

and the major world capitals. They are united but are very clever

in disguising their influence. They hold positions that appear to

be relatively minor, like advisors and under-secretaries and such,

but are key positions of their power.

In the daytime they appear to be good, loyal, model citizens

working for the same goals their governments are supposedly

working for, but behind the scenes they band together and pool

their information and contacts to work for their own ends. They

do not appear to have any political power but they really have a

firm grip on world affairs, like sharp teeth sunk into everything.

This secret organization has been in existence for several

generations. Their existence is hinted in the family histories of

the banking powers and money centers of the world. Only the

families involved are aware. The cabal of leaders has been very

slowly but surely building up a worldwide network of power,

because they want to take over but stay behind the scenes.

At first when the Antichrist comes along the leaders of the Cabal

regard him as a new, dynamic, youthful leader from the Middle


East they can use to unite the area and reign it into their realm of

control. But the Antichrist ends up turning the tables on them.

2.10. Cabal involved in military and economic


(Centurie II, Quatrain 88)

The Antichrist successfully takes over nearly all of Europe. The

cabal of international financiers and bankers will not stay in

active war with the Antichrist and his attention will turn

elsewhere. In France the underground will begin to flourish.

The Cabal families made their influence and fortunes in the

banking and commodities industries, such as gold or diamond

mines, leather, tins, etc, like the colonial barons associated with

the European world empires who started their families' fortunes

exploiting the materials of the Third World nations. "The seventh

and the fifth" will have the same names, and the seventh one will

be considered part of the fifth.

The Cabal manipulates the economy to cause the unemployment

or inflation rates to rise or fall at their whim. They have affected

everyone's life.

2.10. Cabal destroyed by the Antichrist

(Centurie II, Quatrain 18)

Somehow through the espionage powers of the Antichrist, the

seven key leaders of the secret cabal will be discovered and

destroyed. This is his familiar technique of throwing his enemies

into confusion and chaos to seize or take advantage of their


assets in their weakened state. At the time he knew only that they

were financing the European forces that opposed him.

But in this case it is shortsighted of him because it was the cabal

that has been instigating the warfare going on through the

decades and centuries, and destroying them in effect seals the

"beginning of the end" for the Antichrist because their hidden

activities promoted his agenda. When they are removed the

agitation for world war is no longer present and the natural

inclination for world peace will assert itself, thereby doing away

with the Antichrist.

2.11. Fundamentalist fanatics' infiltrations into


(Centurie I-40)

Powerful men involved with fundamentalist religion and politics,

shrewd in manipulation, propaganda, and in distorting the word

of God for their own ends will band together to obtain *key*

posts in the government. The posts are not necessarily splashy or

public but are critical points in the power flow where they can

exert their influence to subtly affect world events in their favor.

Leaders in the Middle East will become aware and alarmed by

their encroachments and will change their laws, making it more

difficult for Americans to travel in this area. It will affect

American money, currencies, and trade with the U.S. The

Antichrist, in the midst of building a power base, will be

influenced by these actions, in a way that will be harmful to the

Christian cause later. The religious fundamentalists will cause

their own undoing in this way.

2.12. Manipulation of the IRA in Ireland by the



(Centurie VI, Quatrain 62)

Members of the underworld will send faulty arms and drugs to

fighters in Ireland. The British and the IRA both believe they are

fighting for the good of the country but at the last minute realize

they have been destroying it. At the last minute they will try to

compromise but will be foiled by the manipulations of the

underworld conspirators who are playing each side against the

other. The underworld elements are spread in many areas but the

arms and drugs will be shipped from Monaco.

2.13. Wealthy U.S. businessman a closet revolutionary

and Nazi

(Centurie V, Quatrain 75)

A very wealthy and famous businessman in the U.S. will be

secretly involved with the American Nazi Party and the Ku Klux

Klan in the south. The man's sole ambition in life is to overthrow

the American government as it is presently constituted. The man

will be involved with politics but will stay low-key, spinning

webs of power and expanding his influence behind the scenes.

This groundwork will prove useful for the Antichrist later on.

The man will have a puppet, a figurehead, but he will pull the

strings. The link will not be known until the time of the


2.14. Fundamentalist censorship

(Centurie II, Quatrain 85)

A distortion in religious values will plague the populace during

the times of troubles. Fundamentalist religion and its fanatics

will be like an old man holding a thick oaken stick over his

followers, to make sure they don't step out of line. This is


opposed to spirit of honor, valor, loyalty to one's country, and all

the other virtues. The fundamentalists will be both Christian and


(Centurie I, Quatrain 62)

During the time of troubles and massive earth upheavals, the

countries that harbor fundamentalist religions and philosophies

will become very powerful, claiming to offer the true comfort

and path for the populace in need. The fundamentalist groups

will suppress learning and education and censor books.

2.15. Terrorist assassinations

(Centurie IX, Quatrain 36)

The final pope is captured into the influence of the Antichrist

during a period of great civil unrest, war, and desolation, and

many other horrible events. History will be seen as a series of

catastrophic events, each topping the ones before, leading up to

the time of troubles.

During the time of troubles the assassination of world leaders

will become extremely common, so much that the population

will not even keep track of who is the current leader, thinking it a

futile exercise because they are assassinated so frequently. With

the warfare going on, a great danger will exist to anyone who has

ambitions for leadership, except for the Antichrist, who will be

actually orchestrating most of the assassinations himself.


Part III: The Antichrist

3.1. Antichrist's rise to power in Middle East

3.2. Antichrists' unified monetary system

3.3. Antichrist's seizure of Asia

3.4. Antichrist's cultural eradication & European campaign

3.5. Antichrist's ravage of the Catholic Church

3.6. Antichrist's invasion of Turkey

3.7. Switzerland alarmed by Antichrist's Nazism in Germany

3.8. International (non)reaction to the Antichrist

3.1. Antichrist's rise to power in Middle East

(Centurie III, Quatrain 34)

The Antichrist will spend many years working silently behind the

scenes to consolidate his power, and make his appearance onto

the international arena once the structure is in place. He will have

planned carefully and the countries he goes against will be

unprepared for his golden-tongued treachery.

(Centurie VIII, Quatrain 77)

The Antichrist is the power behind the scenes, pulling the strings,

and has not yet made his move to reveal himself. He is like a

spider waiting for his time, taking advantage of the world

situation to make his move.

When his time comes he will take advantage of the political

situation in a country to rise to power. It will not matter that he is

not a native of the country. He will take advantage of loopholes

and contrive positions. He may aggressively and audaciously

seize a position in a military organization after his uncle dies, for



(Centurie I, Quatrain 34)

The Antichrist will foment rebellions within the countries he's

aiming to take over. He will allow the various political splinter

groups to believe he supports their cause, when he is actually

playing them against each other. The countries will turn in on

themselves, weakening them for his outside conquest.

(Centurie II, Quatrain 23)

The Antichrist will take over Iran by using a human decoy to

trick the Ayatollah in power. This will involve the "yes men" and

sycophants of the Ayatollah's court. The Antichrist will first

drive away internal supporters of the Ayatollah by starting a civil

war. Then he will put forth a man as a leader, a man for Iranians

loyal to the Ayatollah to concentrate their hate on. The man will

be assassinated while Iran is being taken over, and his opponents

will think they have foiled the overthrow of power by

assassinating him. But they will find out later he was merely a

decoy and that they played into the plans of the Antichrist.

(Centurie II, Quatrain 81)

The Antichrist will initially obtain power in his own sphere,

Asia, and the Middle East. As he grows out of this arena, i.e. into

Europe, the next step will be into the Mediterranean, approaching

from the south, his area of strength. Because of his Middle

Eastern heritage he will have already united North Africans, who

are sympathetic to his cultural background, with his Asian and

Middle Eastern conglomerate.

3.2. Antichrists' unified monetary system

(Centurie I, Quatrain 40)


The Antichrist will start uniting the monetary systems of his

region to help merge them into a single political entity. His

ambition to rule the world will be advanced by instituting a

single currency with others going defunct. There will be a

resistance to this, particularly by a popular, charismatic leader

from Egypt, demanding the edict and law be withdrawn that

requires the Arab nations give up their currencies and be

submissive to the unified political conglomerate.

3.3. Antichrist's seizure of Asia

(Centurie IV, Quatrain 50)

The Antichrist will take over Asia by appointing sub

commanders to rule vast tracts of land for him. But their ties to

him will be masked and the world will not realize they are

merely puppets until a succession of them are installed in the

place of predecessors. At first the U.S. will not interfere because

it is thought the government was freely chosen by the people, but

only later realize the leaders were forced on the populace as

mouthpieces and tools for the Antichrist.

(Centurie III, Quatrain 95)

Russia will be his first major Asian conquest and he will do it not

through force but through guile and his compelling

persuasiveness. He will trick the Russians to come under his

power and there will be nothing they can do about it. They will

think they are acting in their own best interests. The Middle East

will be mostly under his control before he turns to Russia. Then

he turns to China and the rest of the Asian continent, to build a

position to take over the entire world. He will not trick the

Chinese but will some other method.


3.4. Antichrist's cultural eradication & European


(Centurie II, Quatrain 15)

When the second pope is assassinated, the Antichrist will begin

his European campaign. The Prime Minister of Britain and the

U.S. President will go into consultation over the matter. They

will meet at sea like Churchill and Roosevelt did for better

security and secrecy of the meetings.

(Centurie II, Quatrain 81)

During the use of his weapons and the ravages of war, one of the

devastatingly effective plans of attack by the Antichrist is to

threaten the destruction of the victim's cultural centers, not so

much physical destruction of the populace. Because the

population attributes great value to places and artifacts with large

historical and cultural significance, the terrorist-extortionist

technique will be very powerful in striking fear into his foe and

"bringing them to their knees".

To put Europe into an initial shock, he will begin to smash and

destroy the city of Rome to rubble via aerial bombing raids. It

will be destroyed to such an extent that the "seven hills of Rome"

will be leveled. Rome will be so annihilated as to be threatened

by an encroachment from the sea, destroying all that is left.

He will also threaten the cultural centers of Greece and the great

Greek cultural centers of learning, including Athens. Most

cultural treasures and major metropolitan centers of the entire

peninsula will be destroyed. The world leaders will be

momentarily shocked and paralyzed by his barbarity. In the

presence of their indecisiveness and absence of their action he

will make great strides in taking over territory and governments.

The Antichrist will continually use shocking and unprecedented


moves like these to advance his domination throughout the entire


The eradication of cultural treasures also fits in with the

Antichrist's ulterior motive of wiping out the established culture

to supplant it with his own, like the Moors attempted when they

invaded Spain, except in his case on the level of an entire


(Centurie II, Quatrain 84)

Drought and weather changes will take place during the time of

troubles. The Antichrist will take over Italy and Greece by

destroying the cultural centers to devastate morale of the

subjugated citizens.

3.5. Antichrist's ravage of the Catholic Church

(Centurie V, Quatrain 43)

In addition to the cultural destruction of European cultural

centers, the Antichrist will ransack the Vatican library with the

intent of ultimately destroying it. He will do this to undermine

the authority of the Vatican and break up the power fragments

that remain. One way he will do this is by revealing important,

controversial material hidden in the Vatican library that the

Catholic Church will be seen to have suppressed because of the

threat to its authority. This will cause major schisms in the

church as priests and students turn against each other in their

theories and interpretations of the new material. The confusion

and chaos will remove the Catholic Church as an obstacle to the

Antichrist's plans.

(Centurie I, Quatrain 62)


The ransacking of the Vatican library by the Antichrist will bring

to light and open to the world information, facts, and knowledge

that had been suppressed for several centuries. Even though he

uses violence, the Antichrist will actually be burning off his

karma because of the positive effects of the release, starting a

new cycle, higher cycle of his karma.

(Centurie II, Quatrain 12)

The people involved with the Catholic church, particularly the

priests, will cling to the old order even though it is not viable and

dead as far as working within the reality of the changed times.

The Antichrist and the last pope will be "robbing blind" the

Church. The Antichrist will desecrate and raid the Vatican

library and cart away the treasures of the church to help fund his

armies. The Catholic Church will become totally superfluous,

and contribute to its own demise.

3.6. Antichrist's invasion of Turkey

(Centurie V, Quatrain 25)

When the Catholic Church in Rome is finally destroyed in a

devastating but mysterious "Act of Nature", people will be

distracted from noticing the more important event of the time, the

Antichrist invading Turkey.

(Centurie II, Quatrain 29,V-54)

After the destruction in Italy wrought by the Antichrist, he will

go over the mountains through France via airplane. He will

attack Europe from the south because he will have the solid

backing of the Islamic world and will already have bloodily

subjugated North Africa and the Middle East. He will set up


regional headquarters in Turkey, and other outposts, to rule and

advance further conquests.

3.7. Switzerland alarmed by Antichrist's Nazism in


(Centurie I, Quatrain 61)

While the Antichrist is in the process of taking over Europe, he

will back the Nazi Party in Germany. The current popularity of

Nazism among the youth of Germany will lay the groundwork

for this. Eventually Switzerland will become alarmed and break

its centuries-old tradition of neutrality, taking the side against the

Antichrist and actively fighting.

(Centurie II, Quatrain 39)

Infiltrators, spies, and traitors in Germany, France, Spain, and

Italy will be secretly working for the Antichrist's cause of taking

over Europe. The education establishment will be abandoned

because it is unsupportable during wartime.

3.8. International (non) reaction to the Antichrist

(Centurie II, Quatrain 96)

Diplomatic foul-ups in other countries will permit the Antichrist

to attain greater power. In the beginning, when he does not have

a broad base of power but is building on it, those in power

elsewhere who can do something about it will hesitate until it is

too late. Even though people realize he wields great power "from

the dark side", his demonic hatred and magnetism will enhance

the fatal attraction. He will advance his campaign by invading

and conquering neighboring countries, particularly because of

the political turmoil and instability of the realm. Eventually he


will subdue the entire Asian continent under his rule. The

Antichrist will be in this period of increasing his power during

the visit of the comet visible from the Northern hemisphere in

about 7.

(Centurie I, Quatrain 37)

The U.S. will vacillate in dissension during the conquests of the

Antichrist. Its power, influence, and "can do" capabilities will

have diminished in the international arena at the time. The

populace will argue over involvement vs. noninvolvement.

Shipping will be very dangerous because of submarine warfare

practiced by the Antichrist. Enemy soldiers in foreign ports will

foul up sea-based commerce. Many decisive battles in his wars

will involve seaports. Many people will die far away from home

in the war.

(Centurie III, Quatrain 7)

The various weaker countries threatened by the Antichrist's

imperialism will call on stronger ones for help, like the U.S.

which will initially be neutral and uncommitted. The Antichrist

will be attempting to take over part of the world using aerial

warfare. In one battle in the night a squadron of unmarked planes

will rebuff his advance, sent secretly by the U.S.

(Centurie V, Quatrain 86)

Responsive, proactive countermeasures could have prevented the

destruction caused by the Antichrist but the political and

diplomatic strife among the Western powers will have failed to

have "nipped the situation in the bud". England and the U.S. will

have enough military power to confront the Antichrist but

because of lack of consensus neither will act quickly. A newly

established alliance between the two is only in its infancy at the

time, and the powers have not established the authority of overall

decision-making in time. Also, a breakdown in communications


and transportation will cause important political analysts to be

cut off from advising the leaders. Meanwhile the Antichrist will

be making conquests in leaps and bounds.


Part IV: The Time of Troubles

Prelude to the Antichrist and WWWIII

4.1. Volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, droughts, famines, rioting

4.2. Death of world leader and revolt coincides with comet

4.3. Fiasco from communication breakdown between two


4.4. Russian/American submarine/naval confrontation

4.5. Crazed leader launches atom bombs on Mediterranean and


4.6. Third world country leader creates strife

4.7. Antichrist profits from radar research in Europe

International political and social incidents

4.8. War-game simulation by Britain in Europe leads to disaster

4.9. American Electoral College voting stalemate

4.10. Earth abuse causes agricultural devastation in U.S. and


4.11. Underwater Russian submarine base defanged by


4.12. Extraterrestrials shot by paranoid nation, bacteriological

agents released

4.13. Extraterrestrial probe of the Watchers discovered by


4.1. Volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, droughts,

famines, rioting

(Centurie IV, Quatrain 67)


A very bright, previously unknown comet will appear and

coincide with the time of great geological troubles, with

earthquakes and volcanoes erupting and disrupting weather

systems. This will cause widespread famines and droughts, and

social upheavals in unexpected places. Nations that are

considered prosperous and powerful, particularly western nations

will be weakened. They will be torn with civil strife and rioting

as people migrate to areas that have water and can support cropgrowing.

The social upheaval and weakening of political

structures will help the Antichrist come to power.

(Centurie VIII, Quatrain 29)

A great and rich power will be subject to serious natural

disasters, particularly earthquakes and flooding, and rend the

nation from end to end, causing enormous conflict, despair, and

misery. The wealthy power will be bankrupted attempting to deal

with its disasters. Three other great nations will send aid to help

the citizens survive.

Earth changes will take place that will help the Antichrist's drive

for world conquest. In central Europe, southern Europe, and in

the Near East, particularly around the eastern end of the

Mediterranean, there'll be severe floods. As a result of the

disruption to local governments by the natural disasters, the

Antichrist will move his troops in under the disguise of helping

the people restore civil order, but really use this as a device to

take over countries, and to use the populations like slaves.

Serious economic problems will persist along with great social

unrest, contributing to the ease with which the Antichrist can

seize power. The frightened and hopeful populace will be

vulnerable to his demagoguery. The Antichrist will use the

disasters as opportunities to overthrow governments and sneak

spies into a country. Martial law will be declared in many areas

to stop rioting and looting. The Middle East, the source of his

power, will not be as devastated as the rest of the world. He


offers assistance to other countries trying to recover but he will

eventually stab them in the back.

4.2. Death of world leader and revolt coincides with


(Centurie II, Quatrain 62)

The death of a world leader will coincide with the appearance of

a comet. The comet will be clearly visible where the leader dies.

The country is in the Middle East. The death of the leader and

widespread crop failures and hunger in that year will provoke a

revolt. It will start when the comet is visible but will continue for

five hundred days. Also, a hundred people will contribute to the

revolt in such a way that it will break forth and become open

enough and wide-spread enough to capture the world's attention.

4.3. Fiasco from communication breakdown between

two superpowers

(Centurie II, Quatrain 48)

Through a mistake by a leader an international incident will

occur. The main problem will be a breakdown in

communications between the two powers involved. The situation

is a lot more complex than will appear on the surface. The chief,

the leader involved, will feel great regret about what happened

and will want to continue his career and help correct the

situation, to help make up for the adverse affects of it.

But he will be hung, symbolically, by others wishing to take his

position in the organization. He will be hung so far as politics

and his career are concerned. It will almost be like committing


suicide because in the end he will be a broken man and not be

able to do anything about the situation. The entire event will be

viewed as a fiasco from both sides. It will have very harmful and

even cataclysmic consequences.

The situation develops when an enemy or one who is against the

U.S. will take advantage of the incident in an unethical way, by

sending a horde of agents working for their side into this area.

The world will be outraged by the action.

(Centurie II, Quatrain 35)

A breakdown in communications between the US and Russia

will result in a misunderstanding and deep resentments between

the Kremlin and the White House. Some will risk their careers to

try to tame the situation but will be silenced, and "burned" such

as by demotions to obscure positions.

4.4. Russian/American submarine/naval confrontation

(Centurie II, Quatrain 48)

In the southwest quadrant of the Atlantic Ocean, missiles will

splash into the ocean near a partially submerged ship and a

submarine. The submarine commander is antsy to engage fire.

An American surface ship will be in danger. The Russian

commander of the sub will have secret orders the rest of the crew

is not aware of, which are to antagonize and provoke. He gets

carried away.

The American commander has been ordered to defend the coast

of the US but to avoid starting a war. In the process of defending

his ship from the submarine, he strikes the submarine and feels

he may have sunk it, and agonizes that the action would be

interpreted as starting a war and not an act of defense. The event


will lead to the time of troubles and will have large historical

significance when seen in retrospect.

4.5. Crazed leader launches atom bombs on

Mediterranean and Europe

(Centurie II, Quatrain 3)

During continuing unrest in the Middle East, one of the leaders

will be able to get a hold of an atom bomb. He will be crazy and

go to the greatest lengths over the smallest thing and will not

hesitate to use the weapon because his obsessions with deadly

warfare. The people he is warring against retaliate with a nuclear

weapon. The country has a coast on the Mediterranean.

One of the bombs will land in the Mediterranean instead of the

land, poisoning all the fish. The passages of trade in the region

will be disrupted so that the people on the other coast of the

Mediterranean will be desperate for food and will eat the fish

anyway. It will happen near the east coast of the Mediterranean

in a region of dark-colored cliffs.

(Centurie II, Quatrain 4)

The atomic weapon being dropped by one of the Middle Eastern

countries will spark off yet another war on top of that war.

European and Western nations will try to interfere to diminish

the threat to oil supplies. When the European countries try to

interfere, the crazed leader who earlier dropped the atomic bomb

will use the rest of his arsenal on Europe, most striking the closer

southern part.

The European Mediterranean coast, particularly that of Italy and

France, will be almost uninhabitable, and Italy will get the brunt.

This leader is not the Antichrist but helps to set the stage for the


Antichrist to rise to power with little or no opposition. The

Antichrist will wield great power and authority; no one can argue

with him.

4.6. Third world country leader creates strife

(Centurie III, Quatrain 60)

A "young dark man" will arise as a leader in a Third World

country; his main goal is to unite the other Third World countries

to do battle with the superpowers. The area of conflict will be in

Eastern Europe and the Middle East, particularly around the

Adriatic and the Caspian seas and the eastern Mediterranean. No

definite winner will emerge but the strife will help set the stage

for the Antichrist. Some prophecies in the Bible refer to events in

this region (Israel will be involved).

4.7. Antichrist profits from radar research in Europe

(Centurie I, Quatrain 6)

Research on a more sophisticated type of radar and sensing

devices will give greater information to the operator, i.e. an

airplane pilot. But the first experiments with the technology will

fail in a disastrous accident, when the "sympathetic vibrations"

emitted by the device cause the chassis of the plane to become

weakened and dangerous due to dissolved bonds of the

molecules in the metal. The scientists involved with the research

will have to temporarily abandon the research because of

diplomatic breakdowns, the threat of war, etc.

This will take place before the Antichrist comes to full power. It

will happen in Europe at the time the Antichrist is strengthening


his base of power in the Middle East. The devices are currently

under development but have not been tested yet. But this is

another historical event that will permit the Antichrist to take

over Europe.

4.8. War game simulation by Britain in Europe leads to


(Centurie II, Quatrain 2)

In a war-game maneuver involving Great Britain and European

troops a malfunctioning circuit in a computer will cause the

"real-world" situation to play out instead of the simulation. The

teams are labeled "white" and "blue". As a result of the error

actual defenses will be activated and real bombs will be dropped

on the areas of the game and cause a tragic international incident.

4.9. American Electoral College voting stalemate

(Centurie VII, Quatrain 41)

The presidents of the U.S., a supposedly free country, have been

abusing their power to an increasingly greater extent. During a

time of social unrest even more so than the period of Viet Nam

and Watergate, the Electoral College will be evenly split over the

election of the new president. The process will stalemate, with

many people clamoring for whichever candidate they voted for,

causing enormous tension in the country. Internationally it will

be a sensitive situation.

Because of the split, and the extremely volatile and explosive

social unrest, putting either candidate in office instead of the

other could start a civil war or a revolution. After a long time of


impassioned speeches invoking patriotism and the founding

fathers, a compromise solution of holding another election will

be taken, and a candidate will be installed without disaster.

4.10. Earth abuse causes agricultural devastation in

U.S. and Britain

(Centurie II, Quatrain 95)

Man will upset the balance of the earth and cause great changes

in the climate and seasons, causing much hardship and famine.

Major agricultural lands producing a lot of grain and food for the

world today will become frozen and will be unusable. The people

who live on this land and grow the food will flee like rats leaving

a sinking ship.

There will be dissension and fighting over the land. As a result of

the panic, incompetent decisions are made by the people in

power under enormous stress. Poor decisions will escalate into

major disasters. The U.S. and the United Kingdom in particular

will experience the dissension and destruction.

4.11. Underwater Russian submarine base defanged by


(Centurie III, Quatrain 21)

The Russians have built an experimental underwater submarine

base and dome in the Adriatic sea. They use it for subversive

submarine operations. When it is discovered, due to pressure

from statesmen, diplomats, and politicians, it will be brought to

the surface and the submarines will be taken away through

political maneuverings.


4.12. Extraterrestrials shot by paranoid nation,

bacteriological agents released

(Centurie II, Quatrain 91)

Extraterrestrials tried to contact us in the Siberia Tunguska

explosion in the 0s. Similarly they will again visit the earth. The

Russians are doing secret weapons research and have energy

fields guarding northern approach corridors. Another spacecraft

will arrive, paralleling this incident. When the extraterrestrial

spacecraft enters the atmosphere the fields will cause it to

malfunction and many of the crew are killed.

When they crash, soldiers will be on hand to capture or kill them.

The ship will harbor microorganisms that will react in bizarre

ways to the earth climate and cause plagues of unknown origin,

which cannot be understood because of the extraterrestrial

causative organism. The country will be at war or fixing to go to

war and will have a paranoid mindset. Thinking the crash is a

result of enemy weapons, the soldiers will shoot anything that


4.13. Extraterrestrial probe of the Watchers discovered

by scientists

(Centurie IV, Quatrain 28)

During the time of troubles, when the sun is between the earth

and Venus, i.e. from the point of view of Earth Venus is hidden

by the sun, the Watchers (extraterrestrials) will be exposed

through the powers of observation and communication. Scientists

involved with radiotelescopy and related disciplines will observe

an anomaly, and as they focus on it they come to the realization


that it is a strong indication of a real UFO. The readings are

caused by an instrument sent by the Watchers to observe


The scientists and the populace will learn more about the probe

and the Watchers. But internal dissension will be created by

fundamentalists because the existence of extraterrestrials is not

consistent with their worldview. This will take place in

approximately 7 or 8. The Watchers are returning to mankind at

this time because they are trying to help him through gentle

prodding and increasing spiritual love. They have always kept an

eye on us and have observed our growth and development.

They're looking forward to the day we can join the universal

community and help with their project in a way that's unique to



Part V: Scientific Achievements in the Time of


Technology accidents

5.1. Nostradamus on the dangers of weaponry mixed with natural


5.2. Weather modulation devices go awry, cause ice and hail

5.3. Nuclear reactor meltdown near city with underground


5.4. Space shuttle accident releases microorganisms into


5.5. Devastating accidental weaponry explosions from earth


5.6. Ruptured earth energy fields cause meteorite storm

5.7. Research into warping time leads to disaster

The weapons of WWWIII

5.8. New, horrific, secret, radical weapons monstrosities in


5.9. The top-secret earthquake-triggering weapon (ETW)

5.10. ETW unleashed on San Andreas and New Madrid Faults

5.11. Atomic device creates greenhouse effect, devastates


5.12. Death by the "milky rain" weapon

5.13. "Explosion of light" causes horrible birth defects

5.14. Diplomacy dies with international earthquake terrorism

5.15. Death by radio waves


5.16. Human eugenics research advanced by the King of Terror

5.17. Eugenics scientists meet grisly deaths from public backlash


5.1. Nostradamus on the dangers of weaponry mixed

with natural disaster

To avoid the worst effects of the pole shift, "Stop the explosions

that the military feels are so important." Understand that what

happens with your weaponry will have a large effect on how

much or how soon this devastation [of the shift] would occur.

Make people aware of the damage that can occur to their present

weaponry system. IF people become more aware of the damage

that can be caused by the military destruction, whether voluntary

or involuntary-- if this can be prevented, the reaction set off

beneath the earth's surface would be less damaging It is the earth

changes that will be causing the danger of the weaponry, not the

use of it. Accidents will occur in the New World, because of

natural earthquakes. The results that would happen from an

earthquake near one of your military housing of the weaponry

would cause your leaders to definitely realize the dangers

5.2. Weather modulation devices go awry, cause ice

and hail

(Centurie I, Quatrain 22)

Devices developed by man to manipulate the weather will go

awry because of faulty programming. They will cause a great

deal of damage through unseasonal ice and hail. The scientists

don't understand the forces they are dealing with and that the

natural weather pattern will overcome interference in attempting

to attain proper balance. The computers will fight the increasing

intensity and break, damaged beyond use.


5.3. Nuclear reactor meltdown near city with

underground chambers

(Centurie X, Quatrain 49)

In the US, in the Rocky Mountains, a complete city will be built

near to underground chambers blasted into a mountain for the

storage of secret records. The water pumped into a nuclear

reactor will not be totally purified, and an element in the reactor

will cause a meltdown, unleashing radioactive poison.

5.4. Space shuttle accident releases microorganisms

into atmosphere

(Centurie II, Quatrain 65)

Incompetent leaders, who got their position by family prestige, in

a joint space venture between America and France, will be

behind an accident involving a space shuttle. The ship will have

scientists on board doing biological experiments to see the effect

out of the reach of gravity. An accident and malfunction will

cause the ship to lose orbit, break up and burn on reentry. Some

of the microorganisms on board survive the fall. They will have

the potential of causing plagues.

5.5. Devastating accidental weaponry explosions from

earth tumult

With the earthquakes and volcanoes will be accidental explosion

of the weaponry that is buried in the ground. This is going to

cause great emotional turmoil within the U.S. and [Britain and



The countries in Europe will want disarmament. It is important

they realize that if this disarmament of the weapons comes about,

that will take place in the Moslem countries also.

5.6. Ruptured earth energy fields cause meteorite


(Centurie I, Quatrain 46)

Research scientists will be investigating the powers associated

with the various energy fields of the earth. They'll try to harness

the powers for different purposes, including warfare. When they

begin experiments, in an area near the North Sea they will

accidentally rupture one of the earth's fields so that a beam of

energy will shoot out into space and draw a steady stream of

meteorites to earth. They will continue to rain down until the

scientists can repair the damage. Doing so will cause an

earthquake from built-up stress. The research will be a secret

government project. To the world at large this will appear to be a

natural phenomenon and will be recorded as such in future

history books, because the government will keep the project

concealed even after the accident.

5.7. Research into warping time leads to disaster

(Centurie III, Quatrain 92)

Scientists are researching how to warp and alter time to help

change the outcome of a war. Near the end of a war, after the

second failure, the research complex is destroyed in a large

catastrophe. Because they are dealing with powers they don't

know how to control it rips them apart. People not there assume


they were hit by a missile of some sort because of the


But what really happened was that the vortexes of energy they

were trying to deal with were not fine tuned enough to work with

and they got out of control. It appears to involve England and

Northern Europe. It's in our future but the groundwork has been

laid already by scientists working on secret projects in this

direction. Something may come of it in our lifetimes but the

government will keep it under wraps.

The catastrophe will be very localized and will have some

strange side-effects in the dimension of time in the general area

there. The government was counting on it to give it an edge in

the war and loses it and will end up affecting the outcome of the


5.8. New, horrific, secret, radical weapons

monstrosities in WWWIII

(Centurie IV, Quatrain 33)

Advanced technology that is currently being developed in secret,

referred to in other quatrains, will play a part in the time of

troubles. This will coincide with great famine, plagues, and

destruction with the onset of WWWIII.

Nations will be desperate and will try anything to stop the

Antichrist. Scientists will search for new, even more radical

weapons for warfare that almost defy belief.

(Centurie II, Quatrain 32)

Instruments of death built and refined during the time of the

Antichrist will wreak great destruction. Variations on atomic


weaponry and other devices will be developed. The ultimate

monstrosity in weapons will be created near Ravenna,

culminating research that is currently in progress during the time

of troubles. The weapons will particularly disrupt the natural

earth ecology. All sides in WWWIII will "have their fair share"

of horrible weapons.

(Centurie IV, Quatrain 30)

The space program will fall into disfavor through policy changes

in the government with the emphasis shifted in a different

direction than space exploration. The change is due to some

nefarious policy making behind the scenes the voting public is

not aware of but would not approve of if they knew about it. The

policy changes of redirecting the money toward military

applications will contribute to the horrors of the changes that are

to come. The machinations behind the scenes will not be exposed

until a later date.

5.9. The top-secret earthquake-triggering weapon


(Centurie IX, Quatrain 83)

A weapon will developed in secret underground laboratories that

can trigger earthquakes at existing fault zones. It will work from

a scientific principle recently discovered but not yet developed.

The weapon will involve an airplane or airborne origination that

may drop something or project a laser ray onto a region. An

extension of the device is carried in a plane that flies over the

area and focuses energy waves where the earthquake is to be

triggered. The more technologically complex power source will

be based and channeled from the secret laboratory via the plane.


The country that develops this will be able to hold it as a major

threat against major nations, because most nations have

geological faults that are susceptible to earthquakes and therefore

the weapon. The situation will parallel the development of the

atomic bomb by the U.S. in that the country will be the sole

owner and the capability for destruction will be so awe-inspiring

and frightening that everyone, including the infidels, will call

upon the saints for protection.

During the time of radical earth changes this weapon will be

applied to create many earthquakes, generally before the

Antichrist comes to power. The nation that develops the machine

builds it independent of the Antichrist's forces, but later when he

gains greater power he will be able to acquire the weapon. He'll

seize the machine for his own agenda of worldwide conquest.

The Antichrist will acquire the machine through deceit, trickery,

spies, bribery, and all other nefarious means known to man.

5.10. ETW unleashed on San Andreas and New Madrid


The weapon will not be revealed immediately to the world. Only

after the country actually uses it and there is an earthquake

generated by it, followed by many others that occur without the

characteristic buildup of geological pressure, will people become

suspicious. The initial earthquake triggered by the weapon will

be sufficient to cause other earthquakes in a chain reaction. The

San Andreas and New Madrid faults in the U.S. will be affected.

The San Andreas will continually rumble and vibrate as a result

of the earthquakes triggered by the weapon, in time driving the

New Madrid fault to eventually erupt explosively and violently.

Initially geologists will think the earthquakes are due to natural

causes but later information will point elsewhere and they'll

begin to be suspicious. After more earthquakes and further

evidence they will finally confront the scientific world with the

mounting evidence that they are not natural.


5.11. Atomic device creates greenhouse effect,

devastates agriculture

(Centurie X, Quatrain 70)

A type of atomic device, not exactly a bomb, will be created that

when set off can disrupt the planetary climate. It will displace an

air mass that will upset the balance of hot and cold, so that a

greenhouse effect will get out of balance and run to the extreme,

causing drastic changes in the climate, and wreak havoc on

agricultural production.

(Centurie X, Quatrain 71)

The earth and the air will freeze as another effect of the atomic

device described above. Many countermeasures to the

devastating climactic affects will be pursued but they will not

succeed, in spite of government announcements urging the

population to be calm and not to panic.

A famine is caused by weaponry explosions. Accidents that will

affect the crops.

5.12. Death by the "milky rain" weapon

(Centurie II, Quatrain 18)

A "rain of milk" alludes to nuclear weapons with bizarre effects

on the weather, including a so-called "radiation rain". The

weapons will represent a combination of the worse aspects of

nuclear and laser weaponry. The laser weaponry, when it is shot

down upon people, will resemble a white substance coming



5.13. "Explosion of light" causes horrible birth defects

(Centurie I, Quatrain 64)

In WWWIII some of the weapons will scream through the skies

before they hit, terrifying and deadly to the population. An

atomic or laser weapon detonated at night will cause victims to

think they have seen the sun at night. The weapon produces a

huge explosion of light. In addition to vast climactic damage the

weapon will produce monstrous birth defects in babies, so that

children will look almost "swinish" (i.e. like pigs). Scientists will

frantically search for ways to alter the effects of the weapon's

effect on newborns. A breakthrough will eventually be made,

based on an unexpected source in the animal kingdom.

5.14. Diplomacy dies with international earthquake


The revelation of the weapon will cause a disintegration of

diplomatic nations and the United Nations will eventually

dissolve, because the paranoid nation that developed the weapon

will not share its technology but instead use it as a method of

international terrorism.

5.15 Death by radio waves

(Centurie II, Quatrain 2)


A new type of weapon involving radio waves played at a certain

frequency will be developed. At certain frequencies and

intensities the energy can cause intense pain in the nerve endings

and damage areas of the brain, or even be lethal.

5.16. Human eugenics research advanced by the King

of Terror

(Centurie X, Quatrain 72)

In 9 and WWWIII many horrible areas of research will be

pursued, including a eugenics project, i.e. breeding humans for

selected characteristics. This particular research will have been

ongoing for decades. The scientists attempt to bring back some

of the less civilized, fiercer humans, still smart but cunning and

strong, for the purpose of infantry soldiers. The governments

engage the bread humans in battles and the scientists will try to

tabulate their performance relative to normal human soldiers.

This will happen during the period of WWWIII and enormous

social unrest. U.S., Japan, Russia, and some European countries

will be involved. They have the gold to fund the research. A

"King of Terror", the "power behind the throne", is in charge of

the project. He has enormous secret influence and greatly feared,

unchallenged power over policy decisions in various countries.

5.17. Eugenics scientists meet grisly deaths from

public backlash

(Centurie I, Quatrain 81)

A secret, isolated panel of scientists will develop super-weapons

during the time of troubles. They will somewhat unaware of the


worldwide wars because of their seclusion. After the "tide has

turned" they are no longer on the winning side and their

identities are exposed to the winning side. Their fate will be

determined according to their role in participation, with some

meeting grisly deaths.

Three scientists in particular with the initials K, Th, and L will

meet with particularly dramatic demises. These scientists will be

chiefly involved with the eugenics project, one reason the

populace's reaction to their endeavors will be so violent. Many

scientists are involved but nine head the project. The project was

started in the 0s and has been carried on in different countries

over the decades since then. It will reach a culmination in the

time of troubles.


Part VI: World War III

6.1. Overview: horrible battles, weapons, devastation, death

6.2. Nuclear confrontation in the Middle East

6.3. Mediterranean campaign and the battles of Gibraltar

6.4. Bomb sent at New York by the Antichrist, France retaliates

6.5. Bacteriological warfare strikes New York and London

6.6. Antichrist conquers Europe

6.7. The Antichrist invades Britain

6.8. The crucial meeting on the naval carrier

6.9. Seas, rivers, lakes boil; famines lead to insane cannibalism

6.10. Antichrist's commander succumbs to key strategic failure

6.11. Russia breaks free of the Antichrist

6.12. North Pole Alliance of North America, Europe, and Russia


6.13. Ogmios confronts the Antichrist, fate of world in balance

6.14. Antichrist eventually dethroned

6.1. Overview: horrible battles, weapons, devastation,


Because of the new awareness the western civilization has come

upon, and because of the accelerated rate of the shifting of the

earth's crust, and because of the conjunction of the planets, the

war *might* be avoided. Depending on the speed at which the

natural events occur. For as in any civilization, when natural

disasters occur this is more prominent than military conquest.


(Centurie II, Quatrain 40)

During the time of troubles and WWWIII there will be massive

naval, air, and land battles. The ultra-secret weapons that are

brought forth will shock and stun the world.

(Centurie VIII, Quatrain 17)

The Antichrist will not hesitate to use bacteriological warfare as

well as conventional warfare, causing hunger, fire and plagues.

The causative organisms will be more virulent than ever and

hence increasingly lethal.

(Centurie II, Quatrain 18)

When the Antichrist is taking over Europe, nuclear weapons will

wreak havoc like lighting strikes, and from them a "milky rain"

will occur. Weapons currently beyond our imagination will

wreak unparalleled devastation. Corpses will litter the landscape.

The very earth will "cry out in pain". The Antichrist will be so

terrible, horrible, and powerful that the rightful rulers of

countries will be utterly terrified and will not do anything to stop

his ravages. Entire dynasties will be wiped out.

(Centurie III, Quatrain 19)

Before the Antichrist takes over a place, he will rain down death

and destruction so that he can seize without opposition. He will

travel far from his resting place in doing this. Some of this

devastation will make past heinous events of the prior world

wars "look like child's play". Unlike Hitler's "rain of blood" he

will use a "rain of blood and milk."

6.2. Nuclear confrontation in the Middle East


(Centurie II, Quatrain 60)

A major nuclear confrontation will occur in the Middle East. The

aggressor will have broken a promise not to use nuclear weapons

in warfare. Naval fleets kept in the area by other powers will be

scattered in ruins from the violence of the blast.

Radioactive fallout and its effect on people, animals, and

weather, and erupting volcanoes will turn the water of that part

of the ocean a muddy red color. Because of this bodies will

appear to float in blood. Because of the blasts and earth changes,

rivers will change their course, and political boundary lines

based on them will be redrawn.

The U.S. will have a Democratic president at the time. He will

get involved with the conflict as a way of trying to stimulate the

economy from a depression.

6.3. Mediterranean campaign and the battles of


(Centurie III, Quatrain 10)

The Antichrist, during the Mediterranean campaign, will take

over Monaco as a crucial strategic position to advancing to Italy

and southern Europe. The successor to Prince Ranier, apparently

one of his sons, will be imprisoned after the takeover as an


(Centurie I, Quatrain 77)

In the Antichrist's Mediterranean battle Gibraltar will play a key

role. The key general, a naval officer, will succeed in saving

Gibraltar from the Antichrist's forces but will later die in an

automobile accident.


(Centurie I, Quatrain 71)

The Rock of Gibraltar will be a strategic position, captured and

retaken three times by various forces.

(Centurie I, Quatrain 98)

Marines on naval battle carriers will confront the Antichrist when

he attempts to invade Europe in the area of Crete and Thessaly,

but they will be outgunned and have to retreat probably to

Gibraltar. In the very fierce and bloody battle the Antichrist will

have to transfer many of his troops to a supply ship after a

fighting ship is sunk.

6.4. Bomb sent at New York by the Antichrist, France


(Centurie VI, Quatrain 97)

In WWWIII many existing diplomatic ties between nations will

be broken and realigned. One that will continue to hold however

is the alliance between France and the U.S. A force aligned with

the Antichrist will send a bomb aimed at New York City. It will

be spotted and tracked as it approaches. The U.S. defense system

will feverishly concentrate on diverting or disabling the bomb,

and the U.S. will not be able to retaliate. As proof of their loyalty

the French are asked to retaliate, which they do with several

bombs and weapons.

The response will be immediate. The American leader uses a

hotline to communicate to the French Marshal, who launches

self-propelled bombs with "tongues of fire" against the

aggressor. In this war some of the bombs will hit New York and

some will be diverted. The bomb referred to here will be

prematurely detonated along the flight path, saving the city.


Many human lives will be spent when planes flying around the

bomb, trying to divert or destroy it, are blown up.

6.5. Bacteriological warfare strikes New York and


(Centurie II, Quatrain 6)

New York and in London will be hit with scourges from

bacteriological warfare, a deadly "bug", either bacteria or virus

or some type of disease-causing organism. It will be released into

the atmosphere to affect the populations of New York and

London. Because of separation and different gene pools,

spontaneous mutations in the organisms will affect the two

populations in different ways. It will appear to be two different

diseases even though it was caused by the same organism.

As a result of this plague the metropolitan infrastructures will

break down. The people near but outside the cities will panic and

shun the cities and refuse to deliver available food, effectively

putting them into quarantine. The city dwellers will starve to

death in droves. People will loot and raid stores, and soldiers will

stab them off at bayonet point. The government will try to evenly

distribute the remaining food but the people will panic and they

call on God to relieve them from their misery.

6.6. Antichrist conquers Europe

(Centurie IX, Quatrain 73)

The Antichrist will take over Europe and begin to toy with the

idea of establishing some kind of dynasty. Because of his

background he is obsessed with power and attracted to the way


that a ruling family line can have a major effect on the flow of

history, manipulating society over a long span of time through

familial line, far beyond the influence of a single individual. But

his plans will not materialize because he is overthrown by

Ogmios and his monstrosities will be counterbalanced with

positive forces to heal the earth, directed by the Great Genius.

6.7. The Antichrist invades Britain

(Centurie II, Quatrain 68)

In his European campaign the Antichrist will attempt to overtake

Britain, particularly to seize its naval forces for further advances.

England will resist and initially fend off the advance, with

support from the U.S. However, it is likely that the Antichrist

will eventually overcome England and the more passionate

members of the underground will flee to Ireland and Scotland.

The Antichrist will not succeed in overtaking the entire island.

North England, Scotland, and Ireland will not succumb, possibly

aiding the reunification of Ireland to fight the Antichrist.

Patriotic and stubborn Irish and Scottish spirit will play a

favorable role in turning the tide.

(Centurie III, Quatrain 16)

The British prince, a member of the English royal house, will be

eager to lead his troops into battle to defend his own and

neighboring countries that have treaties with Britain. He will

confront the Antichrist's forces in two major engagements and

will be defeated in one. He will be outflanked and will have to

retreat in disgrace.

Nevertheless the opposing forces will curse him because he was

a valiant fighter, and his brashly engaging in battle disrupted

some of the Antichrist's carefully laid plans for the conquest of


Europe. The man will return to England and the population will

give him a hero's welcome for his bravery despite the defeat.

6.8. The crucial meeting on the naval carrier

(Centurie II, Quatrain 75)

During WWWIII and the great turmoil, an airplane will come for

a landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier. It will be from a

nation foreign to the country that owns the carrier. The balance

of political powers of the two sides involved will be very

complex and delicate.

The plane is from a power "slightly more aligned to the other

side" although still basically neutral. But to have any kind of

contact with the country that owns the carrier would have severe

political repercussions relative to the war, so the generals of the

carrier are reluctant to give permission to the plane to land. The

plane will carry an important political or military leader and an

important emissary who needs to deliver important documents

and messages. The situation will be very fragile and volatile.

6.9. Seas, rivers, lakes boil; famines lead to insane


(Centurie II, Quatrain 75)

During WWWIII shipping and normal trade will be seriously

disrupted. Some countries will have excesses of food, such as

bushels of wheat, but the price will be so out of proportion that

no one will be able to buy it. In countries where there is famine,

people will resort to cannibalism to stay alive. The wheat in other

countries will be stored in silos and rot because they cannot get


rid of it, cannot sell it. The price of the wheat is enormous in cost

partly because it is very dangerous to deliver or ship it anywhere

during wartime.

(Centurie V, Quatrain 98)

A very great drought will occur in the European continent during

the time of the Antichrist. Fish will die as seas, rivers, and lakes

boil. The Antichrist will be behind it. This event is not the same

but is related to the boiling fish at the Dark Point ( , Centurie II,

Quatrain 3). Two sites will be in distress from "fire in the sky".

(Centurie II, Quatrain 18)

The extremes in weather during the time of the Antichrist will

affect a battle. Extreme rain and hail will take by surprise two

armies lined up to do battle. As an alternative plan to

confrontation they try to fly planes above the clouds to drop

bombs on the opposing forces, "fire and stones falling from the


(Centurie IX, Quatrain 31)

The earth, after a relative period of peace, will suffer a great

natural disaster, involving severe earthquakes that rip the crust

open, spewing lava. The major earthquake will trigger other

earthquakes that will destroy large land areas. Famine and

fighting will set in. Countries will fight with each other over

surplus food: India and China will march to seize the corn and

wheat fields of Russia and eastern Europe. Communications will

break down. Religious leaders will lose credibility because of the

inability to explain the earth changes. Christianity will falter.

(Centurie I, Quatrain 67)

The climactic changes caused by the detonation of the terrible

weapons will cause famines in scattered areas, and conditions


will get worse. The uninhabitable regions will continue to grow

until the areas connect large surfaces of the earth's land masses,

and the majority of humanity will be suffering. People will

become virtually insane with the persistent lack of food, and will

eat things like tree roots, and even seize newborn infants.

6.10. Antichrist's commander succumbs to key

strategic failure

(Centurie VI, Quatrain 33)

The Anti-Christ's supreme commander will make a major failure

of judgment on the field in an extremely strategic battle and the

bulk of his forces are captured or killed. The supreme

commander misuses some technology that has not yet been

developed, causing his downfall.

6.11. Russia breaks free of the Antichrist

(Centurie VI, Quatrain 21)

The Antichrist will seem all powerful and all conquering and the

situation will appear hopeless. But "his star will be falling" and

his power will crack in crucial places. The U.S., Canada, Russia,

and later, northern Europe, unite together. In particular, even

though the Antichrist has taken over all of Asia, after a period he

is no longer able to control Russia. Russia breaks free and unites

with the unconquered countries.

The alliance strikes terror into the Antichrist who glimpses the

beginning of the end and his potential failure. He chooses

another field commander to continue his campaign, but the effort

fails. Rhodes and Byzantium, the site of his regional

headquarters, will be engaged in the most intense fighting. The

"northern pole alliance" will diminish his power by breaking


down his chain of command, communication capabilities, etc.

and attempt to break his stranglehold on his conquered

territories. This is the beginning of a turning point in WWWIII.

6.12. North Pole Alliance of North America, Europe,

Russia forms

(Centurie VIII, Quatrain 17)

At a point the Antichrist's forces become complacent from so

many frequent and rapid conquests. They will begin to lose some

battles and see their power is not forever.

The Antichrist will have taken over a large part of the world and

will become complacent. "Three brothers", the "alliance of the

pole", i.e. North America, Europe, and Russia, will trouble the

Antichrist and his world will tremble. France will be united with

the alliance in spirit, if not actually physically, because the

country will weaken seriously from the Antichrist's degradations.

6.13. Ogmios confronts the Antichrist, fate of world in


(Centurie V, Quatrain 80)

A leader figuratively referred to as "Ogmios" will confront the

Antichrist in battle. The crux of the pivotal struggle of WWWIII

will be in the "gray area" between Europe and Asia. The

outcome will be questionable for some time. During the time the

Antichrist is in power there will be constant skirmishes and

battles between his barbarian forces and those still free of his

tyrannical rule.

(Centurie II, Quatrain 85)

Ogmios will eventually emerge triumphantly victorious over the

Antichrist, but it will be a long, gradual, arduous struggle.


6.14. Antichrist eventually dethroned

(Centurie IX, Quatrain 73)

The Antichrist will rule for "less than the revolution of Saturn"

(29.5 years), far less than the grand span of time he envisions.

His reign will be temporary, because his power is like building a

fire with grass; it burns very hotly but quickly. His effect on

history and his "time in the limelight" will be limited. The time

from WWII to the end of WWWIII and the time of troubles will

almost encompass a century in itself. =


Part VII: The geological and spiritual earth shift

7.1. Timing

7.2. The end of civilization

7.3. Geography

7.4. Preparations/Survival

7.5. Old vs. Young Souls

7.6. The New Age of spiritual rebirth

7.7. Reawakening of freedoms an rights

7.8. Peace after WWWIII

7.9. Spirituality transcends technology

7.10. Feminine aspects of God revered again

7.11. More open, frequent contact with extraterrestrials

7.12. "Green" revolution, return to the land

7.13. Scientific discoveries reaffirm Eastern religion

7.14. Great Genius unifies religion and science

7.15. Great Genius discovers the science of miracles

7.16. Astonishing feats of medicine

7.17. New philosophy of the Age of Aquarius

7.1. Timing

Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are due to the activity caused

by the conjunction of the planets, which also affects the shift of

this planet A shift will occur at the close of the century. It will be

abrupt as to be within a "six to ten-hour period".

7.2. The end of civilization


Civilization as you know it will cease to exist Cities will no

longer exist as we know them

7.3. Geography

Continents as you know them now will cease to exist or change

dramatically All the central part of your continent as you know it

will be [spared]. Continents all over the earth will be affected.

The water mass as we know it now will cover a greater

percentage of the earth. Continents that are connected will be

split, divided by water that was not divided by water before.

There will not be any country that is not affected. A large portion

of Asia will be covered with water. Africa will have a channel

cutting through it, a new strait

7.4. Preparations/Survival

Make humanity aware. Let people prepare themselves spiritually.

Intellectually become more aware of survival through climactic

changes Problems of survival will be hardest in countries turned

into islands

7.5. Old vs. Young Souls

There is now a higher proportion of old souls in the world than

there has ever been before, because the old souls will be needed

to help the world survive. They can be found everywhere,

permeated in the oddest places. The old souls will be in

communication with each other and they are the ones that will

help things hold together and survive.


Nostradamus states that his communication is intended to help us

avoid the worst-case scenarios of his visions that could be

averted with great determination and resolve. The time of

troubles will be a very trying time. The spirits on the earth at this

time are there by choice to work through major amounts of

karma. Living in this stressful period will be like concentrated

karma, or the equivalent of ten average human lifetimes.

The older and more advanced spirits volunteered. Some younger

spirits were simply feeling adventurous. Others are here not

because they wanted to in their hearts, but they had to or it would

be the "end of the line for them" as far as spiritual advancement.

They're not fully volunteers but just enforced volunteers, so to

speak, because they knew they had no other choice. Most of the

people are understandably unhappy, but some make the best of

the situation and some don't.

7.6. The New Age of spiritual rebirth

The shift will usher the beginning of a new age Even though

there will be physical deaths; there is no death of people's

consciousness, but a different awareness. Do not feel that people

would not know life. There will be those that will be left here to

make a new beginning for the earth

Whether the worst of the events prophesied come to pass, there

will be a great spiritual rebirth throughout the world. Individuals

will have the opportunities to "get in touch with themselves" and

come to a realization about the falsehoods of materialism. After

communication is restored after the time of troubles, people will

come to this realization together, and a great rebirth of

philosophy that blends the Eastern and Western religions will



It will be a worldwide movement upholding the Truth as

everyone perceives it, bringing about the best aspects of the Age

of Aquarius. Focusing on this "ray of hope" during the time of

troubles could alleviate the worst aspects of the suffering; the

materialism of the majority of the population will regrettably

make this unlikely.

7.7. Reawakening of freedoms an rights

(Centurie II, Quatrain 44)

The U.S. will suffer defeats fighting the Antichrist as well as an

internal political deterioration during the time of troubles. When

the time of troubles are over people will celebrate their victory

and freedom, and reawaken in the U.S. the spirit of liberty and

rights embodied by the Statue of Liberty, which were dead

during the time of the Antichrist's tyranny. The people will

regain their rights and the way of life will improve from the dark


7.8. Peace after WWWIII

(Centurie VI, Quatrain 24)

An American president with a strong Cancer influence will push

for war and cause events to fall in place for it. But after WWWIII

the populace will be repulsed by war and elect a new president.

He will want peace and work for it, and peace will reign for

some time afterwards.

7.9. Spirituality transcends technology


(Centurie IV, Quatrain 29)

This quatrain refers to the grand design that is emanating from

the "center of the wheel" during the time of troubles and the

healing period afterwards. The sun and Mercury/Hermes are

symbols of "the higher aspects". The sun in this quatrain

represents the overall power of the universe from which

everything originates. Mercury represents the materialistic

aspects of technology. Hermes, in relation with Mercury,

symbolizes modern communications technology. Vulcan, i.e. one

who works with fire, represents warfare.

The "hidden sun" represents the fact that the societies of the

world have gotten out of touch with their spiritual source. They

are ignorant of their origin and the "meaning of life" and they

search for fulfillment and happiness in other areas, and do not

succeed. They think it's found in modern technology, hence the

"sun being eclipsed by Mercury". It's held only second because

what people really hold first is personal pleasure and happiness.

And in trying to find happiness in technology they separate

themselves from the central source of the universe.

By the end of WWWIII and the time of troubles, and the healing

process begins, people will be reunited with the source. The

horrors of war and bloodshed--the powers of Vulcan--will cause

them to realize that technology does not contain the answers to

happiness. They will gain a new insight into "from whence they

sprang and where they are going". The time of healing will usher

a more spiritually mature age, and people will be able to heal

themselves and the world, and go far in preparing to join the

community of the Watchers.

The central hub of the "wheel" represents the source of

everything and radiating spokes symbolize channels of power.

The space between the spokes contains different scenes in the

background, representing the various influences the "aspects"


have on historical developments as a result of the intensity of the

associated energies.

7.10. Feminine aspects of God revered again

(Centurie II, Quatrain 87)

The feminine aspects of God have been ignored, neglected and

reviled. After the demise of the Antichrist the pendulum will

swing back into balance. In early ages and in ancient societies

the female aspect of God was worshipped and revered. The

masculine aspect was also respected but was subordinate. During

the patriarchal era, which extends into the present, the female

aspect was suppressed and repressed. Society will come to terms

with the divinity of both masculine and feminine aspects. This

realization will help foster a more balanced worldview.

7.11. More open, frequent contact with extraterrestrials

(Centurie I, Quatrain 29)

After the time of troubles there will be much closer and open

contact with extraterrestrials and UFOs. One extraterrestrial race

will be heading for an undersea, seafloor base they have

established but the craft will malfunction and be cast up on the

shore. The people will perceive them as the enemy out of terror.

Some of the "Others" are enemies, and some are not. There is

more than one group of "Watchers". Some mean well for

mankind and some have more selfish motives in mind.

7.12. "Green" revolution, return to the land


(Centurie II, Quatrain 19)

People will turn to peace after the horrors of the Antichrist. A

"green" revolution with roots in the social revolution of the early

0s will ensue. People will live in extended families beyond the

nuclear families of the modern era. Larger families and groups of

people are needed to build and support new communities. The

new communities will be very earth and ecology-conscious.

They will help heal the earth of the horrible degradations of

weaponry from WWWIII.

They will reclaim and cultivate wasted, misused, or unusable

land for farmland. Since the will for peace is all-encompassing,

building defenses will not be necessary. In direct reversal of the

20th century trend, cities will be torn down to expose soil to

sunlight and make room for farming. So many will have died

during WWWIII that plenty of land will be available to the lowdensity

population. People will be inherently pacific and reclaim

land beneath concrete instead of fighting over land.

7.13. New political alliances

(Centurie II, Quatrain 22)

After the calamitous events of the late 20th century, the present

alliances among the countries, particularly western nations, will

dissolve and new alignments will form. During the interim

period the people involved with the peace-keeping system

beneath the existing alliance will be "at loose ends". A secret

naval or intelligence base will be constructed on the American

continental shelf underneath the ocean for secrecy. Heads of staff

will meet there to decide what action to take in regard to the new

alliance. NATO will not be known by this name but will live on

in a similar organization that stemmed from it. This will be


dissolved due to the stress countries underwent during the time

of troubles.

7.14. Scientific discoveries reaffirm Eastern religion

(Centurie II, Quatrain 22)

Military scientists--not those researching weapons, but doing

research-- will discover a new force other than the basic ones of

electricity, magnetism, gravity, etc. shortly after the time of

troubles. This new force will give supporting evidence for

Eastern religious views. The countries in this part of the world,

particularly India, will "turn inward" to contemplate the

discovery and rise in greater glory than through outward

communication with other nations. It is not so much a discovery

but a realization.

The evidence for the force has been in front of us but the facts

have been misinterpreted and wrongly associated with other

phenomena, such as "statistical aberration". The force will relate

to mystical phenomena such as teleportation.

7.15. Great Genius unifies religion and science

(Centurie VII, Quatrain 14)

The Great Genius will help unify science and religion and bring

about the enlightenment and peace of the Age of Aquarius

foretold by prophets. People will be able to free their inner selves

and open themselves up to the higher powers and the higher

levels of the universe. In effect it will make everyone a

philosopher. Sects and religions that embrace the newly


discovered principles will be widespread as adherents meet and

share experiences in exploring the "upper regions".

7.16. Great Genius discovers the science of miracles

(Centurie III, Quatrain 2)

The great genius will realize the magic of alchemy through his

discoveries and inventions. The new philosophy engendered by

his discoveries will encourage the development of mental powers

and anything will seem possible in the climate of a greater unity

of mind, soul, body, and emotions. People will be able to

manipulate the basic forces of the universe in a way that will

seem utterly fantastic to those not involved with the occult.

People presently involved in occult and psychic realms currently

deal with these forces without understanding, but in the future

understanding will be present, sharpening the efficacy of the art.

7.17. Astonishing feats of medicine

(Centurie II, Quatrain 13)

Future medicine will reach astonishing sophistication by today's

standards and will eventually be able to renew a body or "breathe

back the spirit" into, i.e. reanimate the body. A breakthrough in

science will have a profound effect and man will finally "touch

God", so to speak. The spiritual core of the universe that

animates everything through life-force will be discovered, the

central source of this the divine spirit. It will seem like a

profound rebirth of humanity.


7.18. New philosophy of the Age of Aquarius

(Centurie I, Quatrain 69)

A new philosophy will emerge in the New Age, more compatible

with the reality of the higher planes and life on earth. The

philosophy will have seven basic tenets that appear simple on the

surface but are actually very deep. After a period of peace the

people of earth will become lax and uncaring of the higher

aspects of spirituality because they "have it easy". A war and

famine and other hardships will turn minds toward higher

realizations as people think there must be something more to

their existence. It will absolve existing contradictions in

philosophies that perplex people, and will overturn older,

established religions. It will have sociological effects and will

affect the laws of countries. The philosophy has its roots in the

Age of Aquarius.


Part VIII: The Great Genius

8.1. Past events

8.2. Cover-ups

8.3. Atlantis

8.4. Great Genius

8.5. Far Future

8.1. Past events

These are quatrains that refer to past events. I am including them

here to give the reader a way to judge Nostradamus' credibility in

prophesying. Note that Nostradamus dealt especially with

calamitous world events like WWI and WWII, and areas of

personal interest, e.g. the French Revolution or advances in

science and medicine.

Discovery of microorganisms by Pasteur (Centurie I, Quatrain

25) WWI and WII, atomic bombing (Centurie III, Quatrain 75)

radiation from atomic bombing (Centurie V, Quatrain 8) Hitler's

fall and suicide, backlash against Nazism (Centurie III, Quatrain

36) Japanese and German imperialism in WWII, atomic bomb

(Centurie IV, Quatrain 95) Nixon's diplomacy with China

(Centurie II, Quatrain 89) Cold war and the Cuban Missile Crisis

(Centurie V, Quatrain 78) Microchips,

electronics/communication revolution (Centurie III, Quatrain

13) Challenger shuttle disaster, NASA politics (Centurie VI,

Quatrain 34) Misuse of Presidential office in Watergate

(Centurie VII, Quatrain 41) Abuse of power by unsavory

fundamentalist leaders (Centurie II, Quatrain 27) Rise of AIDS

(Centurie II, Quatrain 53)


8.2. Cover-ups

These are some quatrains that refer to current or past situations

but are not part of recorded history due to the cover-ups. If

evidence of these came to light it would certainly be outstanding

evidence of Nostradamus' capabilities for seeing the truth.

Secret Russian voyage to Venus (Centurie IV, Quatrain 28)

-- The Russians sent a manned mission to Venus as a way of

competing with the American mission to the Moon. The

astronauts died.

-- Secret Viet Nam involvement and POW's (Centurie II,

Quatrain 89)

The U.S. is covertly involved in manipulating Viet Nam political

structure and actual American prisoners are being held, not

necessarily from the war, but from the secret involvement.

8.3. Incidents

These are miscellaneous events predicted for our times.

-- Discovery of extraterrestrial meteorite/ore .(Centurie I,

Quatrain 21)

Somewhere in western North America a meteorite will be found

by miners looking for ore. They think it might be radioactive but

it is a useful new element on the periodical table.

-- Tomb of ancient influential Roman philosopher discovered

(Centurie III, Quatrain 65)


The tomb of an ancient Roman figure will be discovered. The

man is famous for his philosophy and theories about everything,

and his discourses and writings on the nature of things, which are

still in existence, and have had a profound effect on Western


8.4. Atlantis

Atlantean civilization existed and the people could work stone

with energies the way modern man uses concrete or metal.

Physical evidence of Atlantis is spread around the world; one site

of the civilization was in the Atlantic on a now-submerged

island. The civilization was destroyed when the earth plunged

through an asteroid field, either through accident or the

deliberate intent of extraterrestrials who felt "threatened" by

advancing civilization.

8.5. The Great Genius

The Genius will come the second generation after the Antichrist

when people of child-bearing age today have grandchildren, in

the mid-21st century

- Great Genius builds space stations and successful artificial

intelligence machine, transferring his consciousness to it.

Intelligent machines used to manage space stations. Occurs in

21st or 22nd centuries(Centurie IV, Quatrain 32)

- During the time of the Great Genius L-5 space stations will be

developed for manufacturing materials in space. Scientific base

possibly established on Mars, scientific and communications

facility established on the moon. The station will be built


negligently. New ways of collecting and distributing solar energy

will be devised. (Centurie IX, Quatrain 65)

- The Great Genius will unify religion and science and explain

ancient documents, making clear the metaphysical connections

between the universe and spirituality. (Centurie VII, Quatrain


- Discovery several centuries after the Great Genius intermeshes

grandly with his knowledge and allows people to burst free from

all physical bounds and limitations. (Centurie III, Quatrain 94)

8.6. Far Future

(Centurie IV, Quatrain 25)

Mankind will begin to focus on developing himself spiritually.

The knowledge for the task has been in front of him but has not

been noticed or understood. When he begins to realize what is

possible it will astound him.

In the far future interstellar space travel will take place by mind

emanations and psychological power, rather than mechanical


(Centurie I, Quatrain 17)

Long after the time of the Antichrist and the time of troubles a

"forty-cycle" drought will come about. People will survive only

by extracting water by melting ice at the poles and distilling it

from sea water. Later, the climate will become very wet and

copious flooding will occur. This is a natural cycle of the earth,

and it causes civilizations to perish during ice ages. "Forty

cycles" is something like four thousand years. Man will cause the

problems because some aspect of his technology will be


endangering the delicate balance of the ecosystem enough to

eventually trigger an ice age.

(Centurie X, Quatrain 74)

The "end of the world" will arrive after the seventh cycle which

we are currently living in. After this cycle is complete, man's

accomplishments on Earth will generally be complete, and even

though the Earth will exist for some time forward, the wheel of

karma will no longer send man to earth but to other locations.

Human civilization will have fallen down and been rebuilt

several times. Some of the old traditions of e.g. bloody, violent

gladiatorial games will be passed down through the times into

the far future.

(Centurie I, Quatrain 48)

If man can avert the wars, an extensive and peaceful space

expansion and exploration can take place, with times of growth

and prosperity for humanity. A base will be established on the

moon, a major center of communications and scientific research.

The base's major purpose is to develop freestanding or selfsufficient

space stations in various shapes. All have solar sails

that provide energy. This will last for up to 1000 years.

The sun in our solar system will eventually explode in one last

burst of energy and then die down to nothing. This will totally

incinerate the planet, although the earth will have long since been



Bonus Chapter:

Are You Prepared For World War Three?

When that defining moment finally comes, will you

have the time to remember what you could have done

to stop it?

Let's pretend, just for the moment, that this is a hypothetical


Let's pretend, just for argument's sake, in the comfort of your

own easy chair, in front of your own big screen TV, just a few

easy steps away from your favorite, anxiety-reducing snacks in

your refrigerator, that this is just an academic exercise in

geopolitical and psychological speculation, a polite

brainstorming session that imaginary participants might conduct

if certain coincidental worst case scenarios were to come to pass

... all at the same time.

And let us acknowledge, in the calm certainty of our own

typically secure routines, that any resemblance of this imaginary

debate to actual persons and events living or dead may not be

purely coincidental.

OK? Got it? Pretend it's hypothetical. Just for fun. Then let's


Are you ready for World War Three?


What kind of pathetic paranoid poppycock is that? What IS this?


Y2K drill? Much ado about nothing, I think.

Remember. You're pretending it's hypothetical. You agreed.

Oh, all right. Let's see. Mmmmmm .... of course I'm not ready.

Nobody is ready for World War Three. You CAN'T get ready for


What will you do when it happens?

Sit here and be vaporized, I guess. What could anybody do?

So ... does that mean you're not ready?

Of course I'm not ready for World War Three! Is anybody ready

for World War Three?

Yes, I think there are some people who are ready?

Oh yeah? Who?

Well, three types of groups, at least. First, there are the people

who are already victims of major wars, the people in Palestine,

Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia, Colombia, not to mention Burma, the

Philippines, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Congo, and certain other

countries, people who are already scavenging in oftenradioactive

garbage dumps just to make ends meet; many of their

relatives or children have already been killed by invaders, and

they're just living hand to mouth, not caring whether the food

they eat or the things they find might be radioactive or not,

because when your expected life span is only a few more weeks

or months, you don't much care about those things. Survival

becomes a day-by-day operation. If the superpowers who have


these weapons destroy themselves by using them, that would be

good news for the folks routinely diving in dumpsters.

Second, there are the people who plan and wish to execute

nuclear wars.

They have already built themselves secure bunkers miles beneath

the earth's surface. There are many in the U.S. and Europe. The

figure they can ride it out, and they have a new, secret

technology that actually detoxifies radioactive contamination, but

they're keeping it under wraps until after the

Big One so then they can come out when the coast is clear and

continue making scads of money doing two things: cleaning up

radioactive rubble and repossessing real estate whose owners

have been obliterated, are slowly and agonizingly died of

radiation poisoning, or simply have scampered off to more

hospitable climes.

Third, there are the people who saw it coming and had the

foresight to move to remote locations in the Southern

Hemisphere. As long as widespread nuclear explosions didn't

trigger a pole shift, those in the lower Southern Hemisphere

would be relatively safe from the nuclear winter that will follow

World War Three and render the entire Northern Hemisphere

completely uninhabitable. The winds in the world are pretty

much hemisphere specific, so that the winds that blow around the

world in the Northern Hemisphere don't cross over into the

southern, and vice versa, although with the magnitude and

volume of these explosions in all-out nuclear war, there is bound

to be some crossover. Humph. Sonofagun. You have this all

worked out, don't you?

What will you do when it actually happens?

When what actually happens?


When World War Three actually happens, how will I find out

about it?

Well, there are several ways you could find out about it. If you

lived in an urban area like New York or Beijing or Cairo or

Teheran, you'd probably find out about it when you saw a flash

of light brighter than anything you've ever imagined, but it would

last for only a millisecond and then you'd see nothing ever again.

If, like most people, you lived in towns moderately close to these

cities, you'd probably feel these humongous thumps and wonder

why your house was disintegrating all around you. If you lived

way out in the sticks you'd start to see these radiant atmospheric

flashes, feel relatively gentle ground tremors, and then in a few

hours you'd see a smoky blackness creeping toward you from the

direction of the cities that would grow blacker and blacker as the

hours passed. Depending on each person's individual perceptual

skills, it would be a matter of minutes or hours before you

realized you would never see the sun again, because you will

never survive the abject cold that would be produced by the sun

being blotted out for probably from five to 15 years, except, as I

said before, in extremely lucky places in the way Southern

Hemisphere. Didn't you ever wonder why all those Israelis are

buying up huge chunks of real estate in Patagonia?

You mean I won't see something on television and be able to

briefly feel a pang of remorse about someone else being killed

far away, and then be able to put it out of my mind so I could

watch Monday Night Football with my usual intense focus?

Not likely. Here's a variation on the initial question. What would

you do if you got information that you really believed and trusted

that World War Three was about to start in a few months? What

steps would you take to prepare yourself?

How would I know I could trust the information?


Well, you'd hear it from the sources you always trusted. Your

newspapers, your TV, maybe even from some particularly

reliable Internet site.

But would I believe it? Would I be willing to give up everything

I've worked for all my life, and just bolt into the wild blue yonder

because I read something some journalist, no matter how well

connected, might have just dreamed up?

Well, let's say you had an inside source in the secret government,

and he told you about the plan. Let's say you regarded it as

having the authenticity of all those insider stock tips he'd given

you over the years that had made you a bundle. Someone who

could discourse effortlessly on Masonic kingpin Albert Pike's 1

prediction that there would be THREE World

Wars and final one would begin in the Middle East and erase

both Zionized Christendom and Islamic world in one mighty

stroke. And someone who had scary connections with alphabet

intelligence agencies.

Yes, I see. What would I do? Hmmm.

Would you run, or would you try to alert others?

Oh dogbiscuits! You know what it's like to tell people that you

really know what's going on, and that they don't. They think

you've got marbles rattling around in your brain, and they just

ignore you, at best. At worst, they call Homeland Security and

the men in the little white coats with the large guns show up at

your door. At least, you become socially ostracized for not going

along with what everybody else believes.

So which would you do?

Well, I guess I'd try to find out if the tip was real or not, and if I

determined it WAS real, I'd try to alert the most important people

I know to see if they could do something about it.


What would make you decide if the tip was real or not?

Well, our best sources are on TV, I think. At least that's what

everybody believes. Most people don't believe something is

really real unless they see it on television.

So you're saying that what you see on TV is actually real?

No, I'm not that naive. I know stuff that appears on the news is

often shaded by those who own the TV networks to inflict the

spin they want to put on most world events. Hell, that's how we

got in all those wars.

So what if someone on TV, highly reputable, came on and

predicted all-out nuclear war? Would you act on that?

Probably not. I wouldn't believe him.

OK, say you were certain of the tip you received being real. Then

what would you do?

I'd call the police, then my congressperson.

And what would you do if they all said you were nuts? And then

they said they knew who the bad guys really were, because they

had this evidence that they couldn't really tell you about because

of National Security, but they were going to nuke them all to


I don't know. Cry? Or run into the street screaming.

OK, one more question. If you had the power to impact a large

number of people and the money to arrange some effective plan

of action to the catch the people who were planning to use

nuclear weapons, and you were certain that they were going to

carry out their plan on the basis of at least 50 years of continuing


atrocities perpetrated against innocent people which they later

blamed on completely innocent patsies, what would you do .....?



22:21 Feb 11 2008


You should read the texts yourself.Some of these prophecies are pure speculations.

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